The critically acclaimed drama series QUEEN SUGAR will be cemented in television history as the longest-running Black family drama series by a Black woman creator when it completes its seventh and final season this year. Following the telecast of each of the final 13 episodes, tune-in to The Official Queen Sugar Podcast for exclusive behind-the-scenes conversations with the creators, directors, actors and ARRAY Crew members responsible for the series’ successful 88-episode run. The debut episode features creator/executive producer/writer/director Ava DuVernay, executive producer Paul Garnes and star Rutina Wesley (“Nova Bordelon”).
The Official Queen Sugar Podcast is produced by ARRAY Filmworks and available wherever you find podcasts. QUEEN SUGAR’S 7th and final season airs on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET/PT only on OWN and watch the first six seasons on Hulu. Celebrate the love and happiness of the Bordelon’s final chapter.